The Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn has decorated the library of the governor’s mansion in Princeton with costumes and props from its recent production of “Can-Can.”
“Fantasy Through the Arts” is the theme of a holiday exhibition at Drumthwacket, the governor’s official residence in Princeton. For the second straight year, New Jersey arts organizations have decorated rooms of the mansion, which will be open to the public at specified times during the holiday season.
The Paper Mill Playhouse in Millburn, The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey in Madison, The New Jersey Ballet, The New Jersey Symphony Orchestra and The New Jersey Garden Club contributed to the displays, which will be open to the public from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Dec. 14 and 16.

“The Mystery of the Cloak” is the theme of the Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey-decorated parlor room at the governor’s mansion in Princeton.
The Paper Mill Playhouse, for instance, has decorated Drumthwacket’s library with costumes (by Tony-winning designer Ann Hould-Ward) and props from its recent production of “Can-Can.” And The Shakespeare Theatre of New Jersey has decorated the parlor in the theme of “The Mystery of the Cloak.”
According to a press release, “Cloaks function as protection, decoration, ceremony, and symbols of the inscrutable. The pieces displayed, which are taken from the theatre’s substantial costume collection, emanate that sense of mystery and power.”
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