Stephanie Garrett and Lee O’Connor will be among the “Tales of the Victorians” performers.
Theaters may be closed, but the East Lynne Theater Company in Cape May will be presenting “Tales of the Victorians” for 10 people per show, in the backyard of a home in West Cape May, Thursdays at 4 p.m. from June 18 to Aug. 13.
These will be 45-minute story-telling shows and will take place “weather permitting” only, and reservations are required; call (609) 884-5898 or e-mail eastlynneco@aol.com. Donations of $5 or more will be taken at the door; those 12 and younger do not need to make a donation.
Masks must be worn, and the seats will be spread out in a socially distanced manner. Food, drinks and restrooms will not be available, though you can bring your own beverages.
Throughout the pandemic, ELTC has been making storytelling videos available on its web site and YouTube channel. You can see them here.
For more on the company, visit eastlynnetheater.
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