His website says he’s a “Gentleman Rock & Roller,” but the man who is sometimes known as “Chito” is far more than that. You see, 18-year-old Colorado resident Jacob Cade, who recently released a six-song EP titled Hunger, possesses a veteran musician’s talent.
“I worked with Michael Wagener, which was awesome!” says this young man. (Wagener’s previous credits include Metallica, Alice Cooper and Mötley Crüe.) “The songs are straightforward rock ‘n’ roll with a modern twist. I’m in love with the music and I can’t wait to take it out on the road.”
With the release of Hunger comes the drop of a new single, and Cade has chosen “What’s Your Problem?” as the one to give to the masses. He did the song with the help of Skid Row bassist-songwriter Rachel Bolan.
“I’ve got Michael to thank for that,” Cade explained, with reverence in his voice. “He put a bug in Rachel’s ear and we came up with this killer song. There was this guitar riff and Rachel said, ‘Let’s run with that one,’ and it developed from there.
“The lyrics and the messaging are good as it is about being different, and being different is good because no one normal — or should I say, deemed normal — has ever really done (anything great): All the great artists and engineers, scientists have all been a little different (laughs).”
Cade has been playing guitar since he was 4 and began doing so by watching his father. This eventually led him to become a self-taught multi-instrumentalist. He recently added piano to an arsenal that includes guitar, violin and drums, and he shows no signs of quenching his thirst of musical knowledge.
“I got into music — I mean, really into music — when I saw Michael Jackson dance to ‘Billie Jean,’ ” he said with enthusiasm. “I knew that I wanted to be an entertainer from that moment on, And then when I was 8 years old I got the Guitar Hero game. Later that night I saw ‘The Song Remains the Same,’ and when I saw Jimmy Page onstage, I just said, ‘I wanna do that!’ I’ve not stopped trying to learn new things and instruments since; I like to broaden my horizons.”
Cade speaks warmly of his home state’s music scene but admits his goal is to get out on the road and peddle his wares to music capitals all around the country. A recent two-week tour of the United States has increased his zeal to continue.
“The music scene (in Colorado) is okay — great places to perform if you work hard enough,” he says. “It’s thriving, but not as much as a Los Angeles or Nashville, and those are the places that most musicians need or want to be. I had this tour with Bobaflex and it was great! They were looking for an opening act and since they needed someone, we jumped on it; we left on Thanksgiving Day.”
For more about Cade, visit facebook.com/JacobCade98.