Springsteen photos to be shown at Monmouth University

This photo, taken by Springsteen's sister Pamela, will be displayed in "Bruce Springsteen: A Photographic Journey."


This photo, taken by Springsteen’s sister Pamela, will be displayed in “Bruce Springsteen: A Photographic Journey.”

Monmouth University in West Long Branch, which houses the historical archive The Bruce Springsteen Special Collection and has a long history of presenting Springsteen-related events, will host “Bruce Springsteen: A Photographic Journey,” in its DiMattio Gallery (at Rechnitz Hall), Sept. 8 to Dec. 22.

This is a traveling exhibition, curated by the Grammy Museum in Los Angeles, and it features 45 photos by five photographers whose names will be familiar to Springsteen fanatics: Danny Clinch, Ed Gallucci, Eric Meola, Frank Stefanko and Pamela Springsteen (The Boss’ sister).

The exhibition is free and open to the public, and the gallery is open daily from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The opening reception is Sept. 27 from 1 to 4 p.m.

“Our goal with this exhibition is to define the career of Bruce Springsteen in an entirely new light, as captured by these five incredible photographers,” said Grammy Museum executive director Bob Santelli, in a statement. “Each of these photographers was able to artfully document Bruce’s world, at different stages in his career.”

The exhibit will include video interviews with each of the photographers. And four additional concert photos by Barry Schneier — taken at the Harvard Square Theatre in Cambridge, Mass., on May 9, 1974 — will be shown.

Springsteen opened for Bonnie Raitt that night; reviewing the show, critic Jon Landau (later Springsteen’s manager) famously wrote in the Boston-area weekly newspaper, The Real Paper: “I saw rock and roll future and its name is Bruce Springsteen. And on a night when I needed to feel young, he made me feel like I was hearing music for the very first time.”


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