In most years from 2001 to 2012, Yo La Tengo played eight shows at Maxwell’s, in its hometown of Hoboken, on the eight nights of Hanukkah. That ended when Maxwell’s closed in the summer of 2013. And though the club began presenting shows again, under new ownership, in the fall of 2014 (under the name Maxwell’s Tavern), Yo La Tengo has not been back.
They will do Hanukkah shows, though, this year, at the Bowery Ballroom in New York, they reportedly announced at their Monday night concert Central Park SummerStage. The shows will be Dec. 12-19, though tickets are not yet available. (Update: Tickets, priced at $40, go on sale July 21 at noon; visit
The Hanukkah shows were known for their unpredictability, with many surprise covers and different guests on each night playing opening sets and jamming with the band.
Yo La Tengo’s last album, Stuff Like That There, came out in 2015.
Here are some videos from past Yo La Tengo Hanukkah shows at Maxwell’s.