In honor of the 105th anniversary of longtime Mahwah resident Les Paul’s birth, the Mahwah Museum will present a multi-day online celebration. The legendary guitarist and inventor was born on June 9, 1915.
Guitarist Thom Bresh and Muriel Anderson will present tribute concerts June 6 at 5:30 p.m. and 7 p.m., respectively, and guitarist and vocalist Lou Pallo, who performed with Paul for more than 30 years, will present a concert June 7 at 4 p.m.
The performances can be seen at the Les Paul in Mahwah Facebook page, and on YouTube.
Also, Paul’s son Gene Paul — an audio engineer, producer and musician who maintains a web site about his father, lespaulremembered.com — will share memories about him in a Zoom event. This will take place June 9 at 7 p.m. and be moderated by Charlie Carreras, who is vice president of the Mahwah Museum and a professor emeritus of history at Mahwah’s Ramapo College.
The Mahwah Museum is currently closed, but has a permanent exhibition on Paul.
For information, visit mahwahmuseum.org.
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